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Gay-partnerships and the Jesus-centred Church

Paul Marston

Gay-parterships and the church book to download as pdf Download as pdf coming soon!


This book arose out of the research undertaken for a dissertation submitted in summer 2004 as the final element of an M.A. in holiness theology.

In writing a "theological" rather than a "pastoral" work on issues concerning morality and lifestyle one is always aware that peoples' lives will be affected. Wrong theology could, on the one hand, make people unhappy from denying themselves a legitimate lifestyle, or, on the other hand, leave them in bad case because living out of harmony with the Kingdom of God. Any preaching of the Christian gospel, however, can carry parallel risks. A second century Christian witnessing to an emperor worshipper, an Anabaptist witnessing in the sixteenth century, or a modern Christian witnessing to a Muslim or Hindu - all are by implication inviting commitment to a Christian set of beliefs and lifestyle with potentially profound personal outcomes. This should not mean that we shrink from it, but it should make us take more care that we do not act from mere tradition or subjective feelings or knee-jerk reactions but rather seek to ground ourselves in the teachings of the Jesus to whom we are committed. If, as we believe, he really is the incarnate Son of God, then the one who came to show us the Father is the one whose teachings and approach we need to note and follow. Whatever its failing, this is what the current work attempts to do, both with careful analysis and in seeking the illumination of the Spirit of God.



I thought it was excellent. A very important issue for all evangelical Christians at the moment. I really appreciated the careful way you handled the biblical material. Well done.
Rev Steve Gaukroger, (Conference Speaker and former President of Baptist Union).

It seems to me an excellent treatment of the key issues, at the sort of level lay people could grasp.
Professor Gordon Wenham, (Professor of Old Testament and renowned Christian Scholar).

The reality I most appreciate about the life and writings of Paul Marston is his passion for truth as revealed in the Scriptures.
Bishop Richard Snyder.